The Richey family is usually found at one or many 10thplanet dojo's. might it be in Auburn, Nebraska City or Omaha. Even on vacation they've been know to drop in a class or two. To say they are passionate about Brazilian jiu-jitsu or 10th planet as a whole. would be a gross understatement. For if you ever rolled with any of them personally. You'll learn something; that's a guarantee. It doesn't matter which one you roll with either. class is in session when you roll with a Richey. So out of great respect I write this article. Jacob Richey became a marine on August 12. Timothy and Elecia Richey family grew recently when Mya Richey their oldest daughter had a baby boy Noah. On September 10th of this year. Who's had a rough start in life with a heart defect. They have dealt with a recent loss as well. Pamela Windle. Timothy Richey's mother of 64 years old just last month. For we give our condolences bow our heads in respect as they're in mourning. I give pause before continuing... Timothy & Elecia's family has gone through quite a roller coaster as of lately. So I would like to add that at October 1st of this year Timothy Richey got his blue belt. most of us think it's been over due for awhile. For if you're reading this you've been a father figure and a great teacher to us all for many years now. we are all blessed to know you and your family. So out of great admiration to the Richey family. thank you for joining us and occasionally kicking our butts on the mat. Mad respect.